Here is her birthing story and many, many, baby goat pictures!
We adopted Hazel and her family a few months ago. From the moment we laid eyes on her, she was very healthy and fluffy. We thought she likes to eat and checked to make sure we didn’t see an udder because she had been exposed to a buck.
Fast forward to yesterday. Farmer Jason needed to run pick up some farm and goat supplies. He always inspects the Boer goats as he drives by the pasture.
He and Hazel lock eyes but he sees a mini hazel. He thinks Hazel is not pregnant but someone had a baby goat. Oh, not only did she have a beautiful traditional white body doeling with a traditional red head but she had a red colored boy / buckling as well. I can imagine Hazel saying, “Happy Tuesday Dad. What do you think of my twin boers?”
Our Hazel is a first time Mommy goat and is super loving towards the baby’s. As most Nanny’s do, she talks so sweetly to both baby goats. I suspect we have a couple more Boer goats pregnant. Who knows when or where but we will have some more babies soon at Cotton Bean Boer Goat Farm in Mt. Pleasant, NC.