Building our Goat Farm one day at a time!
Watch our family build our goat farm as we make a lifelong dream come true!
Tales from the Goat Birthing Pen!
Good News! She found her Duke!
I was out in the pasture loving on the baby Mini Nubian and Boer goats. I hear a really loud goat scream and I think that’s not normal from this pasture. It sounded like something was wrong. I quickly moved the baby goats so I could get up and took off running towards the scream. I see Dutchess with Diana. She is looking at her rear end and I notice a small clear birthing string. Dutchess was pregnant and having a baby. She didn’t have a belly or an udder. What, how is this possible? One of the pictures I caught makes me feel like this first time Nanny goat was in shock too!
She quickly pushed out a perfect, registered, traditional red headed, white color body, small Boer doeling. Everyone in the pasture came to see what was going on when I took off running. The entire farm was there to welcome Princess Kathryn to our goat farm! She is tiny and beautiful but I am afraid she is going to be a mean girl like her Nigerian goat friend Lucy!
Dutchess - Registered
Boer Doe
Dutchess came from the same farm as Red Man our boer buck. She is a beautiful, registered boer doe, with a traditional white body and a red head. We got her when she was weaned from her Dam. She was shy for a very long time. I don’t think I got to touch her for at least 3 months. After a lot of work, I finally won her over with animal crackers! I am so happy to announce we are now good friends. I think she may actually like humans now! She also has a beautiful smile and she loves to climb on everything. If any of my boer goats climb a tree, Dutchess will be the first one up it. She reminded my husband of royalty due to the way she carried herself so he choose to name her Dutchess. I suppose that makes her the Dutchess of Cotton Bean but please don't tell our other does! Now to find her a Duke…..