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Meet our Boer Does

Bubbly Barbara

Bubbly Barbara

This Boer Doe is a dark red in color and abga registered. She loves people which is a plus!

Kerns Carmel Star

Kerns Carmel Star

Our sassy beautiful Carmel loves people and other goats. She is a social girl and her favorite treat is Fig Newtons



Daisy was a bottle baby goat here at Cotton Bean Goat Farm and she is super sweet! She will follow me around the goat pasture until I take the time to stop and love on her.

Mable Registered Boer Doe

Mable Registered Boer Doe

Mable is our beautiful 100% registered Boer Nanny! She is solid red in color.

Kerns Star of Moondust

Kerns Star of Moondust

This Boer Doe is a dark red dapple who is sweet and loves attention.

Mosaic Pita

Mosaic Pita

Pita is one of my favorite Boer does. I am sure it is because we fought so hard to keep her alive when she was born. This is one of the reasons we named her Pita. Can you guess what is stands for? Read more to find out the answer!

Duchess - Knov Little Jane

Duchess - Knov Little Jane

This Boer Doe is always up for adventure. She is happiest climbing on things.



This is our beautiful Black Headed Boer Doe.I saw a picture of her and immediately fell in love. I know she was part of the "Mean girl goat club",

She is very shy and is starting to slowly trust me. I am able to walk within a few feet of her and stoop down for her to sometimes come close enough for a neck rub. I will take it!



Evie does NOT like our daughter. lol She also gets a winter coat that makes you think she a mineral issue.



Daffy was a bottle baby goat raised at Cotton Bean Goat Farm in Winter of 2019. This is one of my favorite pictures of a very pregnant Daffy. I kept waiting for her to pop! I spent so much time waiting on her to kid. She is well aware of what DOE code is and practices it.

Dottie - Singles Nugget

Dottie - Singles Nugget

Dottie is our sweet and shy registered Boer doe! Look at her markings! Be sure to read her story, we almost lost her!

Mosaic Lilith

Mosaic Lilith

Lillith - Registered
Boer Doe / Nanny Goat

"For the LOVE of Boer Goats"

We Breed, Raise and Sale Commercial & ABGA Boer Goats

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