Building our Goat Farm one day at a time!
Watch our family build our goat farm as we make a lifelong dream come true!
Tales from the Goat Birthing Pen!
Surprise, Cotton Bean Goat fans, I only had a single Boer buckling!
If I were a person who wasted money on betting inside of goats, I would have bet that Evie was going to have red boer triplets. She was very pregnant for a long time. I would have lost my money!
We named her Evie because our 10 year old daughter calls her EVIL! Why would she does this you might ask. From the moment we brought this Boer Doe home she has not liked our daughter. She loves us but will headbutt our daughter just to show her who is boss. She doesn't hit her hard enough to hurt her just to let her know that she is the herd queen.
I went to visit the family, (grandbaby), in Colordo July 1st. I get a text from Farmer Jason early that morning with what looks like twin, newborn, baby boer goats. Of course my goat girls are going to wait until I am 1600 miles away because I religiously check them day and night.Oh wait, Doe Code! I immediately asked if Evie or Cookie had their babies. Nope!!!! Who could it be? They were my only pregnant does! Not so fast human goat Mom we got a surprise for you at the goat farm this morning!.
I get a picture of sweet Laverne, my black headed Boer Doe, with two black headed boer baby goats. How did this happen? Okay I know how but how did we miss it? As I said above she doesn't really like humans and she is a work in progress. I guess she likes Muffin Man! She had twin boers, a baby girl and boy goat. Wow, I didn't even know she was pregnant! What a fun, exciting, morning here at the goat farm in Mt. Pleasant, NC,
Oh wait, it get better. Farmer Jason decides to put this beautiful Boer Nanny in a birthing pen for some extra food which we often do after delivery. She headbutts one of the baby goats, what? Why is she doing this? Evie walks up and the baby boy runs over to her. What? Evie delivered the same night with a black headed baby boer goat. She is a dark redish brown color. Oh my, what do I know about goat genetics, nothing. I can give a lot of advice but color isn't one of those things I can advise on. For the love of GOATS!
Muffy is the twins Daddy / Goat Sire