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Writer's pictureStacey Carlisle

A tale of Chloe our Nigerian Dwarf aka Queen of Mean!

Once upon a time we had a beautiful Nigerian Dwarf Doe named Chloe. She was the queen of mean at Cotton Bean Goat Farms in sleepy Mt. Pleasant, NC. She decided that it was time she found a boyfriend. After gazing through the pasture all day at our handsome F6 Mini Nubian buck she decided she would break into his pasture so she could "meet" him and stare into his beautiful blue eyes. She didn't stop to consider that Poter may fall in love with her. As soon as she broke in to his kingdom, he put on his best RUT cologne and went to greet her. They were like 2 teenagers flirting. It was nauseating for all of the human who had to listen to them flirt. The humans tried to put her back in her pasture but she decided that she would become the Queen of Mean in the Mini Nubian pasture with her beau, Porter.

I am sad to report they have officially broke up. The last time he walked up to her he was headbutted by our own Queen of Mean. Sorry, not sorry Porter! Now us humans are counting down to delivery time. Only 149 more days to go!

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