Building our Goat Farm one day at a time!
Watch our family build our goat farm as we make a lifelong dream come true!
For the love of chickens! I never dreamed I would grow up and be married to a real chicken farmer in Mt. Pleasant, NC but here we are killing it. We love knowing where are eggs came from. We also like knowing where our chicken comes from. We have free range chickens including Silkies, Easter Eggers, Orphingtons, Barred Rock and everything else that is cute as a peep.
Chickens have unique personalities and I could watch them for hours. You can always learn something from a hen!
5 Fun Facts about chickens:
1. A chicken can learn to recognize it's own name,and the name of other chickens in it's flock,.
2.Hens and Roosters can remember and recognize over 100 different faces both human and animals.
3. Hens and their peeps converse through the shell, allowing a baby chick to recognize it's mother Hen's voice.
4. A hen or rooster vocabulary includes at least 30 words.
5. Chickens are among the closest living relatives to the Tyrannosaurus Rex. If you don't believe this take them some treats!
We have farm fresh eggs for sale in Mt. Pleasant, NC outside of Locust and Concord, NC. | Fresh eggs for sale in Mt. Pleasant, NC | Spring and Fall in tractor supply is like Christmas when you love peeps and you can not lie! All those other chicken farmers can't deny. |
We do offer chickens for processing but they can not be processed on our farm! | I think Farmer Jason loves this chickens more than me. | Look at this little yellow chicken / peep. |